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HR Guide - Individual Rating-Based Cash Awards

Performance-based awards are also commonly known as rating-based (RB) awards.

These directions will help ensure timeliness and accuracy in completing rating-based performance awards.

Customers should contact their servicing Human Resources Specialist if they have questions or need additional guidance outside of the instructions provided in this HR Guide.

Generating Individual RB Cash Awards

  1. Input Type of Award

    Input Type of Award: "840" INDIVIDUAL CASH AWARD RB.

  2. Select Award Type

    Select Award Type by placing a ? in the Award Type field.

    The two-character Award Type will vary for each client.  For INDIVIDUAL CASH AWARD RB, select the Description that reads, PERFORMANCE AWARD (CASH), or the best fitting description for the type of award you are initiating.  In the example below there is not an exact match for the Description hence select 01 PERFORMANCE (INDIVIDUAL) since this is the most relevant choice for a RB Cash Award.

    The Award Type is now displayed in the action.

  3. Enter Award Amount

    Enter the dollar amount of the award in the Award Amount field.

  4. Input FBMS Code or Cost Structure

    The Award Information Screen will look different for some clients and will require input of FBMS Codes or a Cost Structure depending on the client and their internal business process.  If the cost codes/structures are not included, the award will be charged to a default account determined by the agency.

    Input complete FBMS code to include the following: cost center code, fund code, functional area code, and WBS code.

    ** Search for the cost information in FPPS rather than typing it in manually.

    ** For WBS, there are no periods (.) used in FPPS so the information should be a continuous string of letters and numbers.

    Cost Center11 charactersExample: DS686XXXXX
    Fund Code8 charactersExample: XXXD4523WD
    Functional Area16 charactersExample: DWLADT000.LA0000
    WBS17 charactersExample: DPXXXXX15XXXXXX
    Work Order optional field, not required

    ** Only cash awards require the cost code information provided by budget. The cost codes do not need to be input into their respective fields on award screens for QSIs or Time Off Awards.

    The following is a sample screenshot when FBMS codes are used on the Award Information screen.

    Screenshot that shows the award information that needs to be completed in FPPS for individual cash awards.
  5. Input Award Justification and Award Amount in Notepad

    Left click on the NPAD (Notepad) button to bring up the Notepad.

    In the Notepad, input "FYXX (or calendar year XX) Performance Based Award in the amount of $XXXX.00".  Include the specific Fiscal Year or calendar year based on your agency performance cycle and dollar amount being awarded.

    Screenshot of information that must be entered into the Notepad of FPPS for individual cash awards.

    Note: If this information is not in the FPPS Notepad, the action will be returned to the requesting office for corrective action.

  6. Review Award Information and Save or Forward SF52

    Click NEXT after entering your note. Review the Award Information screen and the system will prompt you to Save, Forward, or Delete the SF52. Click SAVE for the SF52 to be saved in your CHNG queue.


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