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HR Guide - Quality Step Increase (QSI) Awards

Performance-based awards are also commonly known as rating-based (RB) awards.

These directions will help ensure timeliness and accuracy in completing rating-based performance awards.

Customers should contact their servicing Human Resources Specialist if they have questions or need additional guidance outside of the instructions provided in this HR Guide.

Generating Quality Step Increase (QSI) Awards

Note: The effective date of the QSI will be the first day of the pay period following the date it was received.

  1. Input Type of Award

    Input Type of Award: "892" IRREG PERF PAY

    NextFPPS Award Information with 892 in the Type of Award box.
  2. Enter Step

    On the Position Information screen, you must enter the Step that the employee is going to.

    NextFPPS Position Information screen with Step highlighted.
  3. Input Award Information

    Click on the NPAD (Notepad) button to bring up the Notepad.

    NextFPPS Position Information screen with NPAD (Notepad) button highlighted.

    In the Notepad, input "FYXX (or calendar year XX) Performance Based QSI Award. Employee's 20XX Rating of Record is '*'." Include the specific Fiscal Year or calendar year based on your agency performance cycle and where the '*' is, enter the employee's rating of record, which must meet the requirements for a QSI.

    NextFPPS Notes screen with comment stating "FY24 performance based QSI. Employee 2024 rating of record is a "*"."

    Note: If this information is not in the FPPS Notepad, the action will be returned to the requesting office for corrective action.

  4. Review Position Information and Save and Forward SF52

    Click NEXT after entering your note. Review the Position Information screen and the system will propmt you to Save, Forward, or Delete the SF52. Click SAVE for the SF52 to be saved in your CHNG queue.

    NextFPPS Sign Options menu with Save, Forward, and Delete options.


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