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Charge Card Fire/Emergency Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQs provide information on frequent questions or concerns. If you have questions about specific topics not included here, please contact us or your A/OPC.

Fire/Emergency Card

Those traveling to an incident or emergency will need to use their GSA Tax Advantage travel card for travel expenses to and from the incident. Any meals and incidentals purchased during travel to and from the incident will be charged (individually billed) to the cardholder on the GSA Tax Advantage travel card. Any travel/transportation such as airfare will be charged (centrally billed) to the Bureau. Once at the incident, the responder much switch and use the Fire/Emergency card for incident-related purchases, including meals for a crew and other miscellaneous purchases for the incident.

With the Citibank Fire/Emergency card, there is not a way to move a centrally billed transaction to individually billed. The remedy for erroneous purchase transactions that should be charged to the cardholder will be to initiate a Bill for Collection within the Bureau. Please contact the A/OPC.


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