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Leave and Earnings Statement

Electronic Distribution of Leave and Earnings Statements

Employees receive their LES information electronically through the online Employee Express system at is external). Hard copy LESs are printed and mailed only to employees who have obtained waivers. The following reasons meet the criteria for a waiver:

  1. No access to an agency computer with internet service;
  2. No access to a printer which would allow for privacy when printing the LES; and
  3. No access to Employee Express (e.g., employees under a dual appointment with two different agencies do not have access to Employee Express).

Employees in the following categories are automatically provided a hard copy LES:

  1. Employees in offices barred from internet access.
  2. Employees new to the DOI will receive a hard copy LES for a specified amount of time deemed by the agency. Thereafter, employees will receive the LES through Employee Express.
  3. Individuals separated from employment with the DOI will receive their final LESs in hard copy.
  4. Groups of employees without access to computers (e.g., seasonal firefighters) as identified and approved in writing by the office head. A copy of this approval must be provided to a bureau/office servicing personnel office so the waivers can be entered into FPPS. Employees can stop receiving the hard copy LES in two ways: (1) provide a written request to their servicing personnel office to discontinue receipt of the hard copy LES; or (2) press the “Hard Copy Off” button on the LES screen in Employee Express.

If you need further information or guidance, please contact your servicing personnel office.

How to Read Your Leave and Earnings Statement

This is a guide to help you understand your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). The LES is a comprehensive statement of an employee's leave and earnings showing your entitlements, deductions, allotments, leave information, tax withholding information and benefits paid by the government. Your most recent LES can be found 24 hours a day on Employee Express.

Your pay is your responsibility, we recommend that you verify and keep your LES each pay period. If your pay varies significantly and you don't understand why, or if you have any questions after reading this publication, call the Customer Support Center at 1-720-673-9958.

The interactive Leave and Earnings Statements below provide a detailed description of the individual sections of a Leave and Earnings Statement.

Nonreceipt of Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)

If you have not received your LES by your official payday, you can request a duplicate statement. Your request can either be sent to the Payroll Operations Division (POD) by using the email Form or by contacting the Customer Support Center. Your request should include your name, the agency for whom you work, a statement of nonreceipt of your LES, the pay period of the LES you are missing, the address to which you want your LES mailed and a daytime telephone number where you can be reached if additional information is needed. A copy will generally be mailed within 24 hours of your request.


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