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Time to Hire Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQs provide information on frequent questions or concerns. If you have questions about specific topics not included here, please contact us.

General Questions

Measure 5 measures the time elapsed from the certificate issue date to the certificate return date. Hiring Managers have sole responsibility for this measure, as they have responsibility to review applications, schedule and conduct interviews and reference checks, and make selections. There is no requirement, but there is a goal timeframe for hiring managers to return certificates to hiring managers within 16 calendar days.

All Time to Hire goal timeframes are measured in calendar days.

The Hiring Manager Checklist: Expediting Time to Hire is located in the Supervisor’s toolkit. This checklist provides hiring managers with helpful information and tips to assist in meeting the 16-day goal measure for hiring managers to review applications, conduct interviews, make selections, and return certificates to Human Resources.

The Time to Hire measures are in alignment with OPM’s 80 Hiring model and their End-to-End Hiring Roadmap. While each organization has their own internal processes, these measures were designed at the broadest level and not for each individual organization. We created the Hiring Manager Checklist: Expediting Time to Hire to help facilitate the steps the hiring manager will take in the their selection process, including obtaining internal hiring approval.



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