This year has been exciting for the IBC's Human Resources Directorate as we continued our journey with the Human Resources Management Systems Solutions (HRMSS) program. We are leveraging feedback internally and externally to create a well-rounded approach.
As part of the HRMSS program, we identified quick wins that would propel our efforts and give us a sound foundation for building the future of our systems. These quick wins include:
Quicktime User Interface Refresh
The Quicktime User Interface Refresh is an overhaul to the navigation and overall look and feel of our time and attendance system. Development, completed in September 2024, stemmed from over 6,500 survey responses received from our end-users/your employees in the Fall of 2023. A client preview with over 35 agencies and more than 150 participants was conducted in November 2024 as an opportunity to see the refreshed user interface and provide feedback. Full implementation of the refreshed user interface is scheduled for January 2025! We’re excited to deploy this new upgrade, and we are thrilled at how the voice of the customer was successfully incorporated into a modernization project.
Next FPPS User Interface Update
NextFPPS frees us from our dependency on the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser which is no longer being supported. NextFPPS is browser agnostic. In addition, by deploying NextFPPS using a different technology it opens the door to more opportunities to expand user interface capabilities like never before. Implementation NextFPPs is taking a phased approach which began in October 2024 and will continue through February 2025, with the target date to fully discontinue WebFPPS as of March 15, 2025.
Pilot to Include Training with Standard Service Rates
HRD identified an opportunity to include role-based system training to clients as part of our operations and maintenance (O&M) standard service rates rather than charging separately for training. With trainings like payroll system overviews, leave share procedures, and duty station changes, this pilot successfully reduced training costs for agencies and increased end-user participation and understanding of our systems and services. In 2024, our Training and Performance Support Branch and Payroll Training and Support Branch offered 121 virtual classes with over 2,800 students in attendance. The pilot was a success! As a result, we will continue to offer training on IBC’s HR systems as part of our O&M rate, while the opportunity for clients to procure agency-specific training remains a viable training solution as needed.
Business Process Review
In January 2024, HRD’s employees embarked on a deep dive into documenting over 250 HRD business processes across our hire to retire suite of systems and services. With the assistance of a vendor consultant, all processes underwent a future state assessment identifying potential solutions for creating more efficiencies. The business process review ensured cross-organization collaboration on processes, creating greater alignment and understanding for our employees.
HRMSS Program Management Office (PMO)
HRD believes in the importance for a higher-level perspective over the HRMSS Program, ensuring connectivity across our organization, engagement from our workforce, and realizing results from the collective effort. In May 2024, we formally established the HRMSS PMO and hired a PMO Chief to manage the HRMSS transition from concept and strategy to tangible modernization projects. Establishing a PMO provides formal leadership going forward as a vital step for our overall success.
Hire-to-Retire Enterprise (H2RE)
In June 2024, HRD rolled out the H2RE concept to our User Group Representatives during the quarterly meeting. Our vision for H2RE is to create added insight into HRD systems and services for all User Group Representatives, refresh quarterly meeting discussion topics to demonstrate integration of systems and services, and create a larger network for our User Group Representatives. As part of the rollout, we created User Group-specific content on our Customer Central website as a platform for targeted information dissemination and easier-to-find resources.
In 2024, the IBC HRD was engaged with the Shared Service Provider Network (SSPN). This network includes all federal Shared Service Providers (SSPs) for payroll and HR, the Office of Personnel Management Quality Services Management Office (OPM QSMO), HR Line of Business and HR Solutions, the General Services Administration Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement, and the Office of Management and Budget. Our collaborative work together this year has created a critical space to discuss common challenges that providers are facing to collectively identify potential solutions that create more opportunity for sustainability. In that, we:
- Furthered our partnership across the SSPN by attending several meetings this year in New Orleans, LA; Washington, D.C.; and virtually. In August 2024, IBC HRD hosted over 60 attendees in our new building on the Federal Center in Denver, Colorado. Through our August 2024 meeting, we collaborated with the Office of Personnel Management to create an online collaboration space solely for SSPs to help us stay connected, share working documents, and continue building our network of subject matter expertise.
- SSP collaborations centered around:
- Defining the SSP Value Proposition: SSPs provide tremendous value to the federal community, and it’s important for us to clearly define our value in that light. Whether that is cost avoidance for clients, providing unmatched strengths in knowledge and implementation of federal personnel and pay, or one of many other reasons, IBC is proud to be your service provider as you continue successful delivery of your mission.
- Setting Client Expectations: The partnership that exists between an SSP and a client can only be successful when both parties perform their roles well. Just as SSPs must meet certain requirements and fulfill Service Level Agreements, our clients are responsible for ensuring your employees are using shared systems and services in the most efficient and effective ways. As the SSPN community establishes common expectations for clients, we keep in mind the important missions you have, how our services best align with your operations, and how your employees can get the most from our systems and services on a daily basis.
- Identifying and Mitigating Risk: Because of the solid working relationships we’ve developed across the SSP community, we collectively can address risks that we all face and how we can potentially mitigate them as a whole community. Being able to share information across federal SSPs, client agencies, and with OPM when there are patterns arising in a variety of issues (e.g., fraud) or have insight into emerging risks puts us in a better place for proactive measures and to reduce response time in the future.
- You can learn more about OPM QSMO’s accomplishments for 2024 and what their plans are for 2025 here: HR QSMO Program Update December 2024
As we focus on 2025 and beyond, we are excited for what’s to come and how our future initiatives can improve what we provide to you as our clients and how you will benefit from them. Here are a few exciting efforts on the horizon:
HRMSS Program
- HRMSS Virtual Roadshow: Between now and April 2025, IBC HRD is conducting an outreach program designed for customer agency executives. Agency leadership changes occur, and as a result, it is important for IBC to remain connected at all levels across our client agencies. The HRMSS Virtual Roadshow will inform executives of how shared services assist their agencies with cost avoidance through economies of scale, provide the bench strength of experienced and skilled HR practitioners in a time of talent scarcity, and help agencies to focus on their missions while we focus on you.
- IT Modernization Business Case: IBC HRD invested in a partnership with an external vendor IT consultant to conduct an Analysis of Alternatives and a Business Process Review, resulting in a current state assessment and future state recommendations. The Business Case is a culmination of the work conducted over the last two years and a foundation for IBC HRD to document its IT modernization options and decisions. In this way, the Business Case will serve as a critical communication tool for IBC’s stakeholders.
- H2RE Portal: IBC HRD has renewed its partnership with our vendor IT consultant to gather and document the H2RE Portal. The portal will unify HRD’s systems, services, and help in one easy-to-navigate presentation. Once requirements documentation is completed, HRD will decide the next steps for portal development and implementation.
- Visionaries Group: With the changes in progress and on the horizon, Change Management is a high priority for IBC HRD leadership. In Fall 2024, HRD established the employee coalition and think tank called the HRMSS Visionaries. This group was established to empower innovation and drive meaningful change through employee-management collaboration and ideation. The Visionaries harness diverse perspectives and experiences to identify, evaluate, and prove innovative ideas. Through this process, Visionaries facilitate effective change management strategies that enable leadership adoption and implementation of credible future state solutions focused on improved customer and employee experience.
- Quicktime User Interface survey to gather input on January 2025 release: We will conduct an end-user survey similar to the survey offered in the Fall of 2023 to gather feedback on the refreshed Quicktime User Interface. We’ll review the feedback and determine next steps for the application that will be meaningful to all users.
SSPN Follow-Up: What’s in it for IBC Customers?
- Greater collaboration in the SSPN community means there are greater opportunities for federal agencies to:
- Realize supreme customer service grounded in subject matter expertise and consistencies across shared services aligned with the OPM Human Capital Business Reference Model (HCBRM).
- Leverage best practice opportunities across shared service providers to bring greater automation and efficiency solutions.
- Partner with IBC in modernization journeys that improve the employee experience from hire-to-retire, and most importantly.
- Focus on success of mission work knowing we’ve got you and your employees covered.
Customer Executive Advisory Board (CEAB) Meeting – tentatively scheduled for Q3 FY2025
This annual event is an opportunity for our client executives to convene and collectively provide feedback and input to IBC on our focus areas for the coming years.
IBC also provides important updates on our strategic priorities that impact how your agency utilizes our systems and services. This year we will continue to expand upon our modernization journey identified above, expansion of the H2RE effort that clearly demonstrates our system and service integrations, and the continuing collaborative partnerships with the Shared Service Provider community.
Trusted Workforce and Rap Back
The Personnel Security Branch completed enrollment into Trusted Workforce and Rap Back for our National Security population and has begun enrolling the Public Trust Population into Rap Back. Over the next year, PSB will continue to enroll the Public Trust populations into Rap Back with a goal of full implementation by year end.
In every effort we do, we keep you in mind. Our current position sets a solid foundation for how we meet you in the areas that benefit you most, now and in the future. We stand ready to continue offering you the best of customer experiences and look forward to what we can achieve together!
Julie Bednar
Associate Director
Human Resources Directorate
Interior Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of the Secretary