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Fire and Search & Rescue Task Order Process - On Call Small Helicopter & Aircraft Rental Agreement Lower 48

The following outlines the process for receiving task orders for Fire Suppression and Search & Rescue (SAR) missions under the DOI On Call Small Helicopter (OCSH) Contract and Aircraft Rental Agreement (ARA) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA).

Contract / Agreement holders will no longer be pre-assigned task order numbers each year for fire suppression or SAR.  The procedures outlined below will be followed instead.

The FIRST TIME you are called out each year / season (schedule outlined below) to support a fire or SAR mission, you’ll follow the steps below:

  1. Step 1: Reference Parent Contract # or BPA #

    Reference your Parent Contract # (e.g. 140D8022D0XXXfor OCSH or BPA# (e.g., 140D0423A00XX) for ARA on the AMD-23 in the “Task Order” field, instead of a Task Order number.

  2. Step 2:  Input Charges into AIRS

    Input your charges into AIRS and enter the Parent Contract / BPA # in the corresponding field. SAVE the AUR; DO NOT SUBMIT it yet.

  3. Step 3: Email AMD-23 and AIRS Report Copies

    Email a copy of the AMD-23 and AIRS Detailed Report to AUR_FUNDING@IBC.DOI.GOV

  4. Step 4: Task Order is Issued

    A Task Order will then be issued and sent to you. You will then return to AIRS, update your AUR and AMD-23 to include the Task Order number (no need to have the Gov Rep re-sign the AMD-23), SUBMIT the AUR, and reprint the AIRS Detailed Report (now showing the AUR is submitted).

  5. Step 5: Create and Submit Invoice

    Create and submit an invoice in IPP, including the AMD-23, the AIRS Detailed Report, and any applicable receipts.


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