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Indirect Cost Resources

Filing Instructions for Indian Tribal Governments

Proposals and audited financial statements must be submitted electronically via email.

Please call 916-930-3803 to obtain the correct email address for your electronic submission.

We no longer accept hard copy proposals. It is also recommended to send attachments preferably in 3 files listed below.

  1. Part 1 narrative in Word or PDF format

  2. Part 2 all worksheets in Excel format, and

  3. Audited financial statements and single audit report or general ledger documents.

NOTE:  Please include the ICP checklist and required certifications when submitting your proposal.

After the receipt of the proposal, the point of contact(s) listed in the proposal should receive an email from our office within five business days confirming receipt of the proposal package. If you do not hear from our office within five business days, please follow up to ensure that we have successfully received the package.

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